Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 11

calories burned 2072
calories consumed 1835
deficit -237
steps 10.064
finally got over 10K steps in! went shopping with the girls. that's what did it. i did get too hungry by dinner but stuck with a small fri and plain hamburger but kelsey gave me jeff's bacon jr cheeseburger instead so i was a little high on my calorie intake. i really dont want to go over 1,600 calories per day. i dont think i can lose weight if i dont. it's amazing how some foods are so tiny yet huge in calorie content. i really gotta take a better look and make better choices.
we tried on jeans yesterday and i am not happy about it yet. so i bought nothing.
the weekend it here.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 10 current weight 145.2

SABOTAGER!!! I was doing the dished after dinner last night and there was this caked on orange stuff stuck to the bottom of the green beans pan. it was sticking to the sponge. "is this cheese honey?" "ya, that is my "secret" ingredient to make it taste good." so i had to go back and take off the 20 calorie green beans and add cheesy green beans. a difference of about 80 calories. The trick is to measure everything. i grabbed an m&m here and some chips after work. i did a "guesstimate" as to the serving size. i need to stop that today. i have a scale to weigh out my food and all the measuring cups i need. i have been measuring enough to know when i am close and, when i get to maintenance phase, i will use that, but until then, measure is the key.
i did my workout in two different phases last night. 30 min hard on the elliptical and then i had dinner, then decided i could do another 30 minutes. i was thrilled that i didn't have to stop the clock, on my polor, and restart it. with the gowear fit, it is on all the time. what a convenience. i am still really loving it. i am paying more attention to the steps i am making and trying for 10,000 per day. i am looking forward to going on a long hike with jeff and see what i burn. i am not too worried about being back up a pound as this could be due to water/waste i still feel good and am not detoured. i could not fit my rings on very well this morning (water?)
burned calories 2074
consumed calories 1764
deficit 310
steps 9651

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 9

2036 burned
1591 consumed
-445 deficit
Good day yesterday. i resisted the cupcakes. i had soy beans on the ride home but was still really hungry when i got home. i was ready for dinner and they were cooking bacon. not thrilled about that but made me a sandwich anyway. i used 100 calorie bread. i love that stuff! and, knowing that would not fill me up, i got some pumpkin out of the fridge, put a tbs of cream cheese in it with a little sugar sub and nuked it for a minute. it is pretty good. then i had so chips with that. realizing my body was still upset with me for not having a cupcake, i satisfied it with a few dark chocolate chips. i keep them in the drawer for just this occasion. it is better than going for the candy bars that jeff has in the freezer!
i got on the elliptical for an hour as i laughed through a dane cook comedy show. it was pretty funny and made the time go by fast!
i felt good when i went to bed.
When i got dressed, i ironed my slacks and put them on. to my delight, they are baggy on me. a size 4! I can now put them in the dryer so they will shrink up! i have pants and shirts that i cannot dry for fear of shrinkage. as i get smaller, i can start shrinking them. this is called being between sizes. i used to be in a size large shirt, no dry. then i went to large and dry. then medium no dry and now i can dry most of them. although, everyone knows that sizes are just what the manufacturer decides to type on the tag. so i wasnt really all that thrilled when i purchased my first pair fo size 4 jeans. well, ok a little thrilled. but still. then when i fit a size 4 in lucky, lee, levis, calvin kliens, gap....i think i can pretty much say i am wearing a size 4 now. esp since i can start drying them!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 8 current weight 144.1

Down a pound today. i new i would be. i skipped the snack after dinner, worked out and could tell that my jeans fit differently. the "muffin top" was not so muffiny.
yesterday i had 1433 calories
burned 1863
this gave me a deficit of 430.

A little about the website...i am not liking it so far. i mean i like it alright the problem is that they dont help you much for the monthly fee that they are charging. i think i should just be able to buy the program and go at it by myself. the only thing i would need is the nutrition information on the food i eat which is either labeled on the package or i could google myself. they should be able to add my week up and tell me how i am doing and what i need to do differently to achieve my goal. i will give them the benefit of the doubt right now as i am new at this and they very well my have it and i have yet to come across it.
came into work to find cupcakes. i did add one on my plate but i have yet to eat one after realizing what it would do to my day. "is it worth it?" sure looks and smells good. we shall see.
stay focused katt! you can do this! 1 pound down 9 to go!
lunch time!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 7 current weight 145.2

I have heard that the definition of crazy is "doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results". That was me. i had learned to count calories and eat healthy, work out and burn extra calories, and you will lose weight. This is what i have been doing for the past couple of years.
I first joined jenny craig. this did work for me. i only signed up for the 90 day special because i felt like a lifetime membership would be overkill for me as i only needed to lose 20 pounds. i worked it the 90 days and learned a lot about food, nutrition, my bodies limits and attitudes of those around me when it comes to dieting and food. i ended up about 10 pounds down and felt pretty confident that i could lose the rest on my own. and i have. but, i only lost it a couple pounds here and there and then gained them back. i never went above that 10 i had lost so i was happy about that.
last spring, i went to florida to visit my mom and i was at 141 pounds. happy to be just 6 pounds from my goal. as summer came and along with it the typical bbq's, drinks, parties at work, i steered clear of the scale. i knew it wasnt going to be good news if i got onto it.
when i finally decided to pull out my scale and wipe the dust off of it, i was at 149 pounds. That was early october. i decided that i needed someone or something to hold me accountable. i clearly cannot rely on myself. i needed to do something differently.
that is when i decided i would try the gowear fit. i had asked jeff for the bodybugg for christmas last year. And, being the best husband on the planet, he got it for me. but, i chickened out. i decided that i could be strong, have the willpower and face it on my own. i did not want to commit to the monthly fee. and, the bodybugg was huge and would be totally noticeable to everyone. i did not want to stand out like a sore thumb. "look at me, i am trying to lose weight!". no thanks. So, jeff took that back and got me the polor F11 watch and band. in pink, which is my favorite color. this is a pretty cool gadget and i used it every time i went for a jog, hike, cleaning job, ect. but, without knowing how many calories i truly burn in any given day, how can i really tell what i burn so i know what i need to eat. i do know that if i eat 1,200 calories per day, i will lose weight. this has been proven over and over again. but, the problem came when i tried to stay there for any length of time. my body would always rebel. i would get so hungry that i would binge. hence be back to square one. all that work, gone. my hypothesis became that i was putting my body into a starvation mode and making it rebel. so, knowing my burn every day, i could put my calories at such a balance as to lose weight and not cause my body to rebel.
Today is day 7 with my new toy. and i have to say, i am doing quite well. i am never hungry and have not felt the need to binge at all. my calories are up from 1,200 that is for sure. but, i am on a negative calorie count every day with the exception of saturday when i was up by 95 calories mostly due to the wine and fudge i had while camping at the coast.
but, yesterday, when we arrived home and i entered my food onto the site and then downloaded my arm band, and got the news of my +95, i decided to hope on the elliptical while i watched saturday night live which we had dvr'd. it payed off. when i downloaded today, i ended up -727 for sunday. i would like to be -500 every day. this will/should give me a 1 pound weight loss every week. slow enough for my body to adjust and not go into shock.
the arm band so far is very comfortable. i wear it on my left arm. it is cold enough here that i have to wear sleeves so no one has noticed as of yet. if they have, they have not mentioned it. i love how thin it is. it is very comfortable too. and i dont have to worry about starting and stopping anything. i love this.
this is what i did yesterday: